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IDIC has evolved from a single-program senior daycare organization that opened its doors in 1973 to what it is now: A full-service nonprofit organization. IDIC is now able to offer specialized community service as contracted by the local government and funding institutions. Key programs and services are:





The Program to Encourage Active and Rewarding Lives for Seniors is a program developed by mental health specialists to address mild depression in veterans, their spouses, and older adults 55 years old and above. Developed by the University of Washington’s Health Promotion Research Center, PEARLS was given to the City of Seattle to contract with community-based service organizations.


IDIC has three Counselors that are supervised by a Program Manager. They hold office at the IDIC where clients are often welcomed and interviewed.  PEARLS Counselors also visit clients regularly at their homes.




In close collaboration with the Sound Generations, IDIC hosts subsidized nutritious lunch for a suggested donation of $3 twice a week. Food preparation is carefully supervised by a City of Seattle contracted dietitian and prepared by a specialist Filipino chef. The twice a week gathering also serves as an ideal venue for the elderly to socialize and listen to occasional lectures on various topics selected for their benefit.

Schedule: Every Wednesdays and Fridays from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM



With support from the ACRS and  Food Lifeline, IDIC distributes an average of 10,000 lbs. of food to nearly 200 needy adults 55 years old and above as well as adults with disabilities once a week.


Schedule: Distribution starts at 12:45 PM to 2:00 PM



IDIC has helped seniors and families find the resources they need to improve the quality of their lives. We are a DSHS partner agency and whether you need help applying for benefits, job training, affordable housing, interpretation or other information and assistance, we will help connect you to organizations and other community services that will be able to help you with your needs. IDIC also provides assistance in helping immigrants become U.S. citizens by doing a one-to-one session or small classes for the citizenship test as well as assisting in preparing the application form and needed supporting documents. We also assist in preparing the necessary paperwork needed for those who want to petition their family members.


IDIC also provides notarial services and is accredited by the Philippine Consulate General in San Francisco. 

We also assist pensioners who are in need of annual certification from SSS, GSIS and PVAO.


*IDIC does not provide legal advice and representation.

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