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Your support will benefit the low-income, first generation immigrant and vulnerable seniors in Seattle and King County. The IDIC Filipino Senior & Family Services depends on the generous support of individuals like you, community organizations, private foundations and businesses who believe in our cause. Your donation will help us deliver culturally competent programs and needed support of our elderly. 

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You can donate via Paypal even if you do not have a Paypal account. If you have any questions in navigating our Paypal donation page, please send us an email at or call us at (206) 587-3735, Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

IDIC is a WA State nonprofit corporation and an IRC (Internal Revenue Code) section 501c3 tax exempt entity. Donations to IDIC are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

© 2014 International Drop-In Center     |     7301 Beacon Avenue S     |     Seattle, Washington 98108     |     206.587.3735

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